Leader Emails Paradigm
An open-source simulated inbox tool to study how leader emails affects participant perceptions. You can customize the timing and frequency of emails, content of all emails (body, subject, sender, etc...), and the task that participants will work on. 
To use:
Follow this link: https://getmasterpiece.com/test/backup/installer.php
Name your instance, and two links will be generated: an admin site and a website. A login and password for the admin site will also be generated—note these down. Use the admin site you can change anything about the backend (content, timing of the messages), and then use the URL of the website to test the changes (if changes are not immediately reflected, try “hard refreshing”). You can create different URLs of the inbox for different conditions, and share these URLs with online study partipants.

Eye Gaze Paradigm
An open-source tool to study the effects of receving more or less gaze in a simulated group conversation.
Customize the paradigm and generate a code for your participants (or try one of our pre-set versions): 
Start the paradigm: http://gazeparadigm.com/Streets3/index.html

R Package for Zoom transcripts 
An R package to  convert the output generated from Zoom conversations (VTT files) into .csv files. Provides columns for speaker name, timestamp, and content of the comment. 
If you have recordings of group conversations on Zoom, and interested in analyzing the auto-generated transcripts, this package can help you get that data into shape for analysis. 

To install and use the package visit:   https://github.com/seankross/vtt/.
This package was developed with the help of my colleague, data scientist Sean Kross.